Brain Dump: Oh, such 2 AM thoughts

Life is honestly such a big fucking mess.

You would want to believe that things would come easy or good stuff will happen after all the bad shit that comes your way but, that’s not how it works. That’s never how it works, to be honest. Life is just well… life. It barely makes sense, it’s never fair, and it’s full of fucking uncertainty.

Oh and it’s crazy. It’s fucking crazy and it scares me sometimes.

Honestly, it’s hard to deal with what’s happening right now. There’s just so much going on. Things are pretty heavy and it ultimately doesn’t help that I’m going through an existential crisis because all the trauma, pain, and suffering I’ve accumulated over the years have decided to just dump themselves on me all at once. It also doesn’t help that I’ve had so many realizations about myself in the past month that have ultimately changed me and I feel like I’m going insane because I’ve spent ages trying to push those realizations away.

These are such 2 AM thoughts but, I really feel the need to speak them into existence. Or, in this case, write them into existence. Mostly to hold onto the small shrivel of sanity I have left because I really do feel like I’m going crazy.